Customer Engagement

How Emojot’s CXM Solution Helped a Clothing Manufacturer Improve Customer Satisfaction in Real-time

Introduction B2B organizations must prioritize ensuring customer satisfaction to identify and address any issues, in order to maintain a positive relationship. A top clothing manufacturer that collaborates with major global clothing brands needs to assess their customers’ satisfaction level regarding the provided services. The company faced a challenge where a traditional survey would not suffice as it tends to tire out participants and does not meet the organization’s high user experience standards. Additionally, the company sought to view the survey results in real-time with intricate analytics and text analysis. The Solution The clothing manufacturing company’s challenge was effectively addressed by Emojot through the implementation of their Customer Experience Management (CXM) solution. The CXM solution offered by Emojot proved to be the perfect fit for the clothing manufacturing company, as it provided multiple deployment methods, including email. The company was seeking an engaging and eye-catching way to capture customer satisfaction in real-time, and Emojot’s solution achieved this through the use of a customized sensor embedded in an email sent to customers. Emojot solution consists with the following: Results The use of Emojot’s solution resulted in the following outcomes for the leading clothing manufacturer with a global client base: Conclusion In conclusion, Emojot’s Customer Experience Management solution proved to be the ideal fit for a leading clothing manufacturer seeking an effective way to capture customer satisfaction in real-time. Through the use of a customized and branded Emotion Sensor™, personalized email templates, a real-time analytics dashboard, and score-based customized reporting, Emojot was able to provide the clothing manufacturer with valuable insights into their customers’ satisfaction levels.  The company was able to identify key strengths and pain points, improve customer goodwill, and make data-driven decisions based on advanced data analysis tools and AI-based text analysis. Overall, Emojot’s solution helped the clothing manufacturer maintain a […]

Pawsitively Successful: How a Veterinary Group Transformed Customer Experience with Emojot

A group of veterinary hospitals used Emojot's solution to collect customer feedback and improve their customer experience, understand customer representative KPIs, and enhance their online presence. The Emojot platform proved to be a powerful tool that provided valuable insights into customer experience and representative KPIs. By leveraging these insights, the group was able to make informed decisions and implement targeted improvements, resulting in exceptional experiences for their clients.

A $1B Software Company Gains Visibility and Improves Customer Health with Emojot’s Customer Success Management Platform

Introduction A $1B B2B software company was facing challenges in tracking the “health” of their customer accounts. The company’s data points were scattered across multiple internal platforms, with some critical data points not available in any internal systems. This led to difficulties in performing root-cause analysis for underperforming client accounts. To overcome these challenges, the company turned to Emojot’s Customer Success Management (CSM) platform. The Solution Emojot customized its cutting-edge CSM platform to address the software company’s business challenges.  The solution included: RPA Agent-Based ETL Model: Emojot utilized Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources into a unified NoSQL data storage. This process enabled efficient data retrieval and consolidation of disparate data points. Custom Scoring and Health Score Formula: Emojot’s CSM platform facilitated the creation of quantifiable data fields with custom scoring, allowing the software company to define their unique customer health score formula. This helped to accurately evaluate the overall health of customer accounts. Emojot Emotion Sensors™: To capture data points not available in any internal systems, Emojot Emotion Sensors™ were employed. These sensors effectively gathered vital information necessary for comprehensive customer health assessment. Real-Time Dashboard with Drill-Down Capabilities: Emojot provided the software company with a real-time, drag-and-drop dashboard, allowing for in-depth analysis of customer health factors. This dashboard supported root-cause analysis by enabling the company to identify fluctuations in customer health scores. Results With Emojot’s CSM platform, the software company experienced significant improvements in customer account management.  The key results included: Improved Visibility: The platform provided a clear and comprehensive view of customer account health, enabling proactive decision-making and actions. This allowed the company to address potential issues before they escalated. Real-Time Root-Cause Analysis: Emojot’s CSM platform enabled the software company to monitor fluctuations in customer health factors in real time. […]

The Power of Online Reputation Management (ORM) for Your Business

In today’s highly digitized world, the online reputation of your business is crucial to its success. Providing quality products or services is no longer enough; you must also actively manage and maintain a positive online reputation. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a process that helps you monitor, manage, and maintain your online perception by responding to negative comments, gaining positive reviews, and monitoring brand mentions. ORM is important because it can make or break your business. Consumers rely heavily on online reviews when making purchase decisions. As per Gartner, 78% of buyers check reviews before making a purchase. Having just a few bad reviews can drive away potential customers, and it can take several positive reviews to regain their trust. ORM strategies can help improve local search rankings and demonstrate customer-centricity by understanding and addressing customer needs. Emojot has an ORM platform that can assist businesses in managing their online reputation. It provides features such as review management, review automation, reputation monitoring, and search engine optimization. Emojot’s customizable response templates for positive and negative reviews, multi-site review listings monitoring with sentiment analysis indicators, and AI-based review response suggestions make it easy to manage your online reputation effectively. In conclusion, ORM is critical for businesses to thrive in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Emojot’s ORM platform can help businesses manage their online reputation effectively, resulting in increased customer loyalty, brand awareness, and revenue. Don’t leave your online reputation to chance; start managing it today with Emojot. With ORM, you can build trust and credibility among potential customers, protect your brand from negative publicity, and stay ahead of your competitors.

Embracing Customer-Centric Digital Transformation: A Must for SMEs in Today’s Competitive Landscape

The digital era has changed the business landscape dramatically, placing an increased emphasis on customer-centricity and digital transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must understand the importance of these factors and adapt to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving market. Customer-centricity has become a critical differentiator for businesses across industries. A Deloitte study found that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those that don’t prioritize customer experience. Moreover, a PwC report reveals that 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand they love after just one bad experience. Digital transformation also plays a crucial role in business success. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), worldwide spending on digital transformation technologies will reach a staggering $2.3 trillion in 2023. SMEs must invest in digital transformation initiatives to keep up with customer demands and market trends. To embrace customer-centric digital transformation, SMEs should consider the following strategies: Focus on Customer Experience Management (CXM): Collecting and analyzing real-time customer feedback is vital for understanding customer satisfaction levels and identifying areas for improvement. Effective CXM helps businesses enhance overall customer experiences and fosters long-term customer relationships. Prioritize Online Reviews Management (ORM): With 88% of consumers trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations, according to a BrightLocal survey, ORM has become essential for maintaining a positive online reputation and attracting new customers. Implement Customer Success Management (CSM): Optimizing customer relationships drive customer advocacy and sustains corporate growth. Bain & Company found that a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a 25% to 95% increase in profits. Streamline Workflow Management: Efficient workflows improve team productivity and reduce manual intervention. By automating processes such as complaints management and visitor management, businesses can focus more on their customers. Engage in Employee 360-Degree Performance Management: Engaged employees are vital for a customer-centric […]

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Uses Emojot to Gain Dealer Insight as They Prepare for the “New Normal” in Selling Vehicles

The Covid-19 crisis has upended life as we knew it. Preparing for a “new normal”, one of USA’s largest automobile manufacturers, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), has started to re-imagine the vehicle selling process. FCA is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, and has more than 2600 dealerships across the United States. FCA has a culture of engaging with their dealership stakeholders in order to understand their on-the-ground realities when making strategic decisions. As the Covid-19 crisis forced businesses across the United States to shutter up, FCA has started to explore how they could adapt their vehicle selling processes in the “new normal” to cater to Americans emerging from their shelter-at-home period. Amongst the strategies they are considering are how they could systemize remote new vehicle delivery options for sales and test drives. FCA has been using the Emojot platform to regularly and effectively engage with their dealership network stakeholders who are at the frontline of selling and delivering vehicles, parts, and services, for the Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Fiat, Ram, and Maserati brands. When FCA needed to get quick feedback on remote vehicle delivery and test drive scheduling software options for their post-Covid19 planning, they turned to Emojot to rapidly deploy a 2-minute visual survey. Emojot deployed the campaign for FCA in less than 6 hours. The geo-map below shows the coverage density of the survey respondents from FCA dealerships who responded while “working from home”. Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have consistently received high response rates amongst FCA dealership stakeholders, and this campaign which was launched in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis followed the same trend, both in terms of quantitative question responses as well as qualitative comments. Since Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have intelligence on the front end, we are able to provide FCA with the added insight on role segmentation, and […]

How Emojot Works for Logistics?

With the rapid growth of technologies, our lives continue to change extensively. Research has pointed out that technology adoption is the most powerful tool for organizations to maintain their competitive edge. The survival of an organization in the age of an evolving knowledge-based economy depends on how they improve their technological capabilities, across all business operations. Keeping this focus area in mind, organizations should develop and implement sufficient methodologies and modern technologies in the logistics field and integrate collaborative logistics processes to be even more competitive. A growing number of logistics organizations are pressurized to change their traditional management style – operationally and organizationally – to a more robust, integrated system that will help increase speed of information flow for rapid decision-making practices. To reach this goal, organizations should invest on new information and communication technologies. Essentially, the type of technologies that would provide vital information such as customer feedback/customer sentiment at their fingertips. The type of information that would help them understand customer satisfaction levels with the services they provide. This information can certainly be generated by a simple, yet effective customer engagement platform. A solution that follows an effective customer engagement process that would primarily act as the voice of your customers – across all your logistics business operations. And most importantly a solution that uses something as simple as an ‘Emotion Sensors™’ that can be used across all digital platforms – be it a Kiosk, Email, Whatsapp, Viber etc.  Wouldn’t it be thrilling to know how your customers felt about the efficiency of your services? Or, wouldn’t it be even more thrilling to understand which of your services require improvements, and that too straight from the horse’s mouth? We know that Emojot’ voice of customer solution not only has the ability to translate into an effective customer […]

How to Create a Life-long, Emotional Connection with Guests via CXM

The restaurant industry is a high-risk business proposition. With the influx of competition working their way up the ladder of success, you are expected to perfect your restaurant offerings and services – for your guests as well as your employees. The key to success is to focus on customer engagement initiatives that facilitate keeping in touch with your guests, understanding their restaurant experiences, and encouraging them to increase the frequency of their visits. Did you know that 60% of businesses fail in the first year? There is a lot at stake here. To outrun your competition, how would you ensure your restaurant’s success? For starters, understand the pain points faced by your Restaurant? Do you: find it difficult to understand your customers’ journey, build a good rapport with them or retain them? struggle to obtain customer information and implement a successful loyalty program? fail to incentivize your employees in order to motivate them and increase their productivity levels? feel like your personalization strategies are limited and add no value to the customer conversations you are trying to invest in? feel like you are unable to keep up with technological advancements that have revolutionized solely for customer engagement? Secondly, understand the importance of customer experience (CX) initiatives. Customer experience (CX) initiatives provide an outside-in view of the customer experience. Without these initiatives, it is difficult to, understand the customer journey, quantify customer sentiment and perceptions, Identify improvement opportunities, and, measure the impact of customer experience initiatives. If these initiatives are implemented accurately, your restaurant will generate: 69% increased loyalty 68% increased sales 67% increased referrals Thirdly, understand the criteria for selecting a customer experience management platform (it should essentially address your pain points) Find the right partner to help act on your strategy to drive guest conversions and retention into revenue. […]