No business can function without its customers. Your clientele are the cornerstone of your company. Their satisfaction makes or breaks your profits, brand, reputation, and, ultimately, survival as an enterprise. You probably already realize that communicating effectively with your clients and fully understanding their feedback is a vital part of keeping your company thriving, but how can you go about this? Most customers never share their opinions with companies, and those who do tend to be either enthusiastically happy or (unfortunately more often) absolutely exasperated. Of course, you can attempt to send out a lengthy email questionnaire or badger your clients to answer “just a few questions” over the phone, but only a small percentage of your consumer base is likely to take these surveys very seriously. The solution to your customer satisfaction conundrum does, in fact, exist, but you may not have yet encountered this emerging technology. Perhaps you’ve heard the term “voice of customer” bandied about at conferences or in advertisements, but do you know what this actually means? As it goes with many great advances, many businesses don’t yet understand the value of “voice of consumer” tools, or even know what these burgeoning applications are, but they soon will. Becoming an early adopter in this area could have a serious impact on your company’s future. At Emojot, we use “voice of consumer,” or VOC technology to help our clients flourish in this twenty-first century business atmosphere. In the following blog, we define this term and explain why your customers’ feelings matter so much to your enterprise. Vital Components of VOC Before we expound any further on the benefits of VOC, we should first fully describe what it is. Business Dictionary defines it as “collective insight into customer needs, wants, perceptions, and preferences gained through direct and indirect […]